This page has information and links to a few selected websites we think you may find useful. For links to Russian, Abyssinian
and Nebelung cat breeders, please visit our Breeders page.
We have a RACCS facebook page
where breaking news is posted, plus photos and updates from shows.
The GCCF is the primary governing body of the Cat Fancy in the United Kingdom, and the oldest cat registration body in the world - the feline equivalent of the Kennel Club.
361 Photography - photographers based in Cambridge, Andy has taken some lovely photographs at our shows - thanks again Andy!
The Abyssinian Cat Association
The Abyssinian Cat Club
Cat-astrophes - Kim Houston is an expert in feline behaviour and is one of the UK's leading Cat Behaviourists
Club Francais du Bleu Russe based in France and affiliated to LOOF, this club caters for Russian Blues and associated colours, plus the Nebelung.
Crystal Clear Pet Products stock everything you could need for your cat, from toys, through food to cat carriers. We are very grateful to Crystal Clear for supporting our show.
Richardson Designs - rosette manufacturers based in Co Durham, Richardson make all our rosettes, and very lovely they are too!
Russian Blue Breeders Association
The Short-Haired Cat Society caters for a range of Shorthair breeds, including Russians.